Mar 20, 2020 | Company News, Uncategorised
Hi Vision Friends, We’re proud to announce the following web-related updates and improvements as part of our continued investments in service. Improved Web Hosting Dramatically improved taxpayer user experience The design of our Vision community websites are now...
Feb 24, 2020 | Company News
During the IAAO 85th Annual Conference, Vision users in Chesapeake received special recognition for joining an elite group of fewer than 50 assessment offices who have received the highly regarded CEAA. Well known by members of the IAAO, the CEAA (Certificate of...
Feb 18, 2020 | Company News
Submitted by Mary GarrisAssessor for the City of Waynesboro, Virginia Here are Mary’s notes and feedback from her recent Vision Implementation that she’d like to share with other communities considering Vision CAMA. Why did you choose Vision? After working...
Feb 10, 2020 | Company News
David’s experience, knowledge, and relationships in the CAMA industry uniquely position him to continue and enhance the long legacy of Vision’s service to our valued communities in his home state of Virginia and beyond. At Thomson Reuters, David was responsible...
Dec 13, 2019 | Company News
To Our Whole Vision Community – On this week of Thanksgiving, we’d like to take a brief moment to express the incredible gratitude we have for the hundreds of communities that we are proud to call our Vision Family. This year, our team is thankful first...