Welcome to the Vision Government Solutions Taxpayer Information Site.
We have created this site to help taxpayers better understand the revaluation process and have included lots of information for you to review. As you navigate through the content, you will find a section that helps you understand how your property was assessed as well as a section that will help you to prepare for a hearing if you feel the need to contest your value.
We have also included an overview of a typical revaluation project, videos that will familiarize you with the various steps involved in a revaluation as well as useful links to assessing industry sites.
Our goal in educating the taxpaying public is to help us better serve our Municipal clients. Our corporate focus is to assist Cities and Towns with the very important and necessary task of equalizing property values. Municipalities use these values to equitably distribute the tax burden amongst all taxpayers, helping the Municipalities collect much needed revenue that funds many important municipal services.
Educating taxpayers can help them to be more understanding of the overall process while also helping their own Municipalities to better fulfill their responsibilities to be fair and equitable to all. We hope that this page allows you to better understand what can appear to be a complicated and confusing process.
For more information, visiting our Frequently Asked Questions section.