Wood County Ohio Selects Vision CAMA
County Takes First Step Towards Implementing Ohio’s Premier Vision Solution
Why So Many Counties Choose Vision:
What Vision CAMA Users Are Saying

“Every Assessor hopes when they purchase a CAMA system that the vendor will meet their expectations (a successful conversion and a product that works as advertised). My experience with Vision CAMA has exceeded my expectations. We received a successful conversion and were able to go live ahead of schedule. The product works as promised and they continue exceeding expectations by releasing enhanced versions utilizing customer feedback. I have been in the assessment field for over 30 years and working with Vision has been the best customer experience to date. I also really like their Mass Update Tool.”
Greg Daniels
Chesapeake City, Virginia

“To give you a little history, our team at Crawford County loved Vision 6. It was the Rock of Gibraltar. Stable, reliable…you turned it on and it just worked. That’s why we bought it to begin with. Back in the day it was known as the best product in the business and came with the best support. The only issue with 6 now is that it’s built on Oracle which is no longer supported by Windows, so we knew it was just a matter of time before it went the way of the dinosaurs.
With that said, we’ve now been live on Vision 8 for a few months now and we’re very happy to see the same level of stability and reliability in 8 that we saw in 6. In other words, 6 was like an old Windows XP product, and 8 is functioning a lot more like the latest version of Windows 10. One thing we should point out is how many customizations we had made in Vision 6 that allowed us to replicate our old valuing charts. All of those items had to be carefully carried over during the upgrade process and your support team’s level of communication as we addressed all of those items was great.
Through the process they learned to keep us updated on how things were going, and by the end of the process had really earned our trust that we were launching a solid product. It’s also comforting to know that our community is now lined up to receive the latest releases and updates as the product continues to advance.”
Joe Galbo
Chief Assessor
Crawford County, Pennsylvania

“Our team was very happy with the implementation process which went really well. We were one of Vision’s first clients in Florida, and worked closely with the team as they customized their CAMA system to include all of Florida’s specific processes. We felt confident that Vision had addressed all of those items as we went along, and had everything we needed by the time we were ready to go live. My favorite Vision feature is the reporting tool. It’s really easy to run and access all of my Department of Revenue state files.”
Shauna Jordan
Chief Deputy Property Appraiser
Sumter County, Florida

“We had been with our previous CAMA provider since 1999 and the level of support towards the end had gotten to such a poor quality…In comparison, when we have a question for Vision we pick up the phone or send a quick email and the response is almost immediate. There’s someone right there to walk us through it. We have been so thrilled. The service is outstanding. It’s such an incredible experience to no longer be held back by our technology. Your CAMA system is supposed to make your life easier and assist you in performing your job and that’s exactly what Vision does. It’s a world of difference.”
Rod Compton
Prince George County, Virginia

“I chose Vision because I’m a very visual person. I liked the way that the system is designed and look forward to using it. I also like the people!”
Melissa Bousom
Chief Assessor
Huntington County, Pennsylvania
Vision’s CAMA & Tax product is an integrated solution
A single source of truth for all property assessment and Tax collection information
Unparalleled CAMA Software
Backed by the Industry’s Best Support with 99% of Calls Answered Live
Designed by Appraisers:
Completely configurable user panels
Supports multiple approaches to value
Sophisticated analytical tools
Customizable Property Record Cards
All fields available for ad hoc reporting
Market’s Largest Customer Support Team:
- Used by jurisdictions from under 300 parcels to over 1 million parcels
- Accurate and fast implementations
- Convert to fully functioning sketches, not just pictures of sketches

Vision 8 is the only CAMA platform designed by appraisers, for appraisers.
Assessors and appraisers on our Customer Advisory Board custom-built Vision 8 to meet the needs of the assessing community.

Work the way you want with tremendous customization and flexibility:
- Add, edit, hide, or relabel any field
- Select the features that meet your needs using the admin module
- Built-in Property Record Card editor
- Robust permissioning & security

Every feature was hand-selected and designed for ease-of-use, including:
- Easy-access parcel header
- Intuitive user interface
- “Create-your-own” dashboards
- Full self-service help portal
- The industry’s best support team
Industry's Best Sketch Program
Vision Sketch is specially tailored to reduce the time burden on assessors and improve valuation accuracy:
- See impact on value as you sketch
- Easily flip and rotate sketches
- Seamlessly split and convert shapes
- Quickly add points and modify lines
- Dozens of built-in time savers like bay window stamps and labeling shortcuts
- Export to multiple format types
Ohio’s Most Comprehensive Tax Solution
Designed from the Ground Up to Meet the Specific Needs of Ohio
Our Comprehensive Tax System:
Real-time payment posting & adjustments
One-click settlement guide, automatically runs all DTE forms along with a balancing sheet to give visibility across report totals
Processing Adders, Remitters and Refunds
Single or mass apply payments
Easy integration with 3rd party payment processors
An Integrated Solution:
A single source of truth
Consolidated view of both Appraisal and Tax data
Eliminating the need for double entry of data
Real-time adjustments based on values or explicit amounts

Real-time payment posting
- Accommodates single or batch payment processing, mass apply payments from mortgage or escrow companies via file imports, or itemized payment screens, web payment imports
- Monies may remain on accounts as a prepayment or overpayment
real-time adjustments of value
- Processing Adders, Remitters and Refunds
- Adjustments based on values or explicit amounts
- Standard Ohio penalties and interest, but flexible enough to charge interest earlier or later based on due dates
additional features
- Easy Integration with 3rd party payment processors
- Setting up and renewing Prepay Agreements
- Managing Delinquent Accounts and Contracts
- Maintaining Special Assessments –spreadsheet import for mass charge updates
- Advancing Payments – percentage of available collections before settlement with tracking reports
Wide Range of Standard and On-Demand Reports
- One-click settlement reports packet, runs all settlement reports along with a balancing sheet to give visibility across all report totals
- Composite Settlement Recap, Rollback Distributions from the state
- Tax Abstract
- Daily cash balancing reports with selection criteria
- Ohio Revised Code-Compliant Reports can be submitted electronically to the Department of Tax Equalization
Access to Consistent Data with Microsoft® technologies
- SQL Server, for an open-database architecture
- Windows®, for its ease-of-use and familiarity
- .NET, for its distributed transaction capabilities
- Reporting Services, for low-cost, user-driven reports
- Office suite compatibility — Excel, Word, and Access — for exporting and using data in your preferred format
- Role-Based Security
- Easy-to-Navigate Menus
Unmatched Ohio Appraisal Expertise
Experience in the Ohio Mass Appraisal Industry
Specializing in Appraisal Processes:
Revaluations and Triennial Updates
New Construction
CAUV and Exempt Studies
Sales Verification and Statistical Studies
A Trusted Team:
Years of Proven Mass Appraisal Experience
A highly skilled, knowledgeable team of appraisal professionals
15 Ohio Certified or licensed appraisers on staff
177 of Vision’s 300 Employees are dedicated appraisal team members

136 of Vision's Employees are in Ohio - making us the largest appraisal services employer in the state
177 of Vision's 300 employees are dedicated Appraisal team members
Our unique approach to revaluation will take into consideration historical information and combine it with the newest technological resources. The physical facts are the basis for an accurate revaluation and Vision CAMA software combines the County’s current data, aerial photography, and on-parcel photography to review each parcel with the highest degree of accuracy by our staff of trained and skilled appraisers. Our staff of statistical analysts will deliver market-based schedules for depreciation, floor and land rates, that reflect the market of the County. Our neighborhoods and market factors are specifically designed for each County’s unique attributes.
Cyclical Reassessment
Under Indiana Code (IC 6-1.1-4-4.2), as of July 1, 2012 a “General Reassessment” has been replaced with a “Cyclical Reassessment”. The basic premise of a cyclical reassessment is to spread the reassessment activities, including the inspection and updating of all parcels and characteristics over a four-year period vs. a twenty-month period. This allows the work and expenses to be spread more consistently and predictably over a longer period, thus facilitating better assessment practices.
All real property parcels are divided into four different groups of property classes (Residential, Agriculture, Commercial/Industrial, Utilities/Exempts) with each group containing at least 25% review per year of each class.
Vision CAMA software combines county data with aerial photography, on-site digital photos and review of each parcel for more accurate information. This will help to provide a more economical process for reassessment.
Triennial Update
Our team works with the county to determine the direction the market is moving within each neighborhood. Vision performs a complete review of sales to ensure only valid sales are used when determining market adjustments. When sales are confirmed, a review is done of each neighborhood, then county wide to ensure the appropriate triennial factors are applied to reflect the County’s market.
Annual adjustments or “trending” of property values became a part of Indiana’s move to a market-based assessment that began in 2002.
Trending requires Assessors to research sales of properties in a particular area over the previous two years. Using that information, Assessors then estimate the values of other properties in the same area to determine an assessed value.
As part of the Annual Adjustment process, counties are responsible for submitting a ratio study and uniformity for all classes of property in all townships. The ratio study measures the accuracy and equity of assessments. It is determined by the formula: Assessed Value/Sale Price = Ratio. The assessment ratio for all properties in Indiana is to be 100%.
Vision uses a wide range of statistical analysis services to help with a county’s ratio study. Vision does a complete review of sales for validity by neighborhood, taxing district and county for fair and equitable results.
New Construction
Vision has a skilled and trained field staff who will pick up New Construction & Demolition yearly. Vision partners with the County to ensure listing and pricing practices meet County standards.
Exempt Study
Vision reviews each exempt property to verify the eligibility of the parcel on the exempt list. We assist the County in making the necessary changes as discoveries are made.
Statistical Analysis
Vision provides a wide range of statistical services for mass appraisal. Our services can be scaled up or down to accommodate the size and needs of any County. Our methods ensure a consistent and equitable mass appraisal in accordance with IAAO standards.
Sales Verification
This is an important piece of any valuation process. Our team will review all sales and help to determine which sales are valid sales and available for statistical analysis.
Time Adjustment of Sales
This proprietary system allows for accurate and correct adjustment of sales from 36 to 60 months. It adjusts sales on a monthly basis based on the conditions and economics that are taking place at the time of the sale so that each sale is correctly adjusted to tax lien date and reflects the value that actually took place and can be used to accurately establish values.
CAUV Study
The Current Agricultural Use Value program is intended to be reviewed annually by each County. ARC will work with the County to validate or invalidate parcels that are currently on the program to ensure compliance.
Additional Solutions
Vision Web Portal
Increase taxpayer transparency by sharing your CAMA and GIS data with taxpayers online.
Many of our communities opt to use this feature to improve communication with the public and reduce the time burden of fielding inquiries within the office. This feature has become especially popular after the COVID-19 pandemic, as it enables communities to stay connected to taxpayers while reducing in-office foot traffic.
It is also especially popular for communicating changes to values affiliated with a reassessment process. In fact, many Vision communities’ change of value notices will direct taxpayers to the Vision Web Portal for further information.
The Vision Web Portal offers the CAMA administrator the utmost flexibility to control what data appears publicly (ownership information, sales information, construction details, sketches, photos and more).
The Vision Web Portal comes with an automated data loader, enabling each Community to set up its preferred cadence for data updates: “set it and forget it!”
Vision CAMA is fully configurable to suppress sensitive or non-disclosure taxpayer records from the public portal. A common example is suppressing the personal information of law enforcement.
Your community can determine whether citizens are able to access the page publicly or whether a log-in is required (with an optional paywall for generating revenue for your community). 95% of our communities include free access to the portal, but some states do generate revenue by charging for access.
Vision Analytics Dashboards
Providing forward-thinking leaders with the ability to examine and evaluate their office at every level and from multiple perspectives – in minutes – not days or weeks.
In this digital world, every leader has to respond to changes and make decisions faster. Vision Analytics delivers that capability by presenting graphical representations of your critical data in the form of executive dashboards.
These dashboards present the measurements of productivity and performance across your office at a glance, including year-over-year analysis of real-time data. This data empowers your team with actionable intelligence.
Executive Dashboards
- Quickly field questions from the media or other entities, such as, median residential sale prices within a neighborhood, city, or specific area, with year over year or historical trending
- Make better informed decisions by using Vision Analytics to see timelines for projects and throttle your resources accordingly
- Has the ability to track exemption applications and amounts by jurisdiction, quickly inform a jurisdiction as to how their roll is impacted by an increase in exemptions within an area.
- Provides sales ratio trendlines and median sale price by neighborhood, along with COD an PRD.
- Conduct historical point-in-time analysis within your data
Examine trends with data on demand.
Sales Analysis
- View your COD and PRD in real-time, by neighborhood and stratum to highlight trends
- Spot patterns and outliers quickly and efficiently
- Display data points by use-type and style descriptions
- Distinguish easily between data sets with thematic mapping
Top performance
- Support effective and quick-thinking leaders
- Enhance visibility of overall goals and deadlines, ensuring understanding of individual roles
Business Partners
Digital Data Technologies Inc.
Team Consulting LLC
Appraisal Institute
County Auditors’ Association of Ohio
State of Ohio Department of Taxation
International Association of Assesssing Officers
Florida Chapter of the IAAO
Contact Us
Findlay Office
101 E. Sandusky Street, 5th floor
Findlay, Ohio 45840
Phone: (419) 423-3582
Phone: (800) 626-7743
Fax: (419) 423-2637
Dayton Office
7801 McEwen Road, Suite D
Dayton, OH 45459
Phone: (888) 430-4495
Fax: (937) 4333-2808
Colombus Office
3700 Corporate Drive, Suite 150
Columbus, OH 43231
Phone: (614) 426-4122
Fax: (614) 426-4125