We'll be getting started in...
Friday, Oct 30th, 2020 | 8:30am – 1:00pm
Dial-In: 929-205-6099
Zoom Meeting ID: 940 9057 0812
Hosted by:
Rhode Island Association
of Assessing Officers
October 2020 Meeting
Friday, Oct 30th, 2020 | 8:30am – 1:00pm
8:30am - Check In
Thank you for joining us today!
Audio & Video:
Your Mute/Unmute and Start/Stop Video buttons are located in the bottom left corner of your Zoom Meeting window.
Chat Module:
Please feel free to make use of the chat module throughout today’s meeting.
9:00am - Meeting Called to Order
Round Table Discussion on Revaluations During the Pandemic
How are the Reval Companies Handling the Stipulations?
What is the Future for Motor Vehicles?
Peder Schaefer - Legislation
October 2020 Meeting
Break Time!
We’ll be back soon.
Hosted by: