Vision Government Solutions, Inc.

Prince George County

Fiscal Year 2026 Reassessment Project

Prince George County is undergoing a countywide reassessment to equalize property values.

Values as of January 1, 2025, are in effect from July 1, 2025, through June 30, 2026.


Prince George County has contracted with Vision Government Solutions, Inc. to conduct the Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 reassessment.


This website provides Prince George County property owners with information about the process and answers frequently asked questions.


We appreciate the cooperation of all property owners during this important project.

What is a reassessment?

A reassessment is the comprehensive review of all real property in a locality to ensure equitable property valuations and taxation. Reassessments are considered revenue neutral and are not intended to raise revenues. Reassessments ensure that property owners pay for their fair share of community services.

Why is Prince George County conducting a reassessment?

To deliver accurate, fair, and equitable assessments and adhere to requirements of the Code of Virginia.

According to the Code of Virginia § 58.1-3201, “All real estate, except that exempted by law, shall be subject to such annual taxation as may be prescribed by law.

All general reassessments or annual assessments in those localities which have annual assessments of real estate, except as otherwise provided in § 58.1-2604, shall be made at 100 percent fair market value…”

To bring Prince George County’s property assessments in line with market value.

Property values can fluctuate due to changing market conditions. A reassessment evens out market fluctuations which occur in every community over time. A reassessment ensures properties are set to current market values and property owners contribute equitably to community services.

Who is conducting the FY 2026 reassessment?

Vision Government Solutions, Inc., has been contracted by Prince George County to conduct the FY 2026 reassessment. Vision will collect property data in the field, develop new fair market values, conduct the informal reviews, and provide assistance to Prince George County with formal appeals.

What should I expect when a data collector visits?

Some of the property characteristics for residential properties that the data collector will note are:

• Building size, type, age, renovations
• Number of stories, property type
• Siding, heating, air conditioning
• Outbuilding descriptions
• Extraneous economic influences such as landfills, junkyards, and sewage treatment plants

All data collectors will wear Vision vests, and data collectors will always knock on the door of the primary residence.

Vision data collectors will be in the field between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, Monday – Friday. Each data collector will wear a yellow safety vest. A county-provided photo ID badge will be visible to the property owner. Data collectors will knock on the primary door of the residence before beginning the review. If no one answers the door, a door hanger will be placed for residents to indicate Vision visited the property. Vehicles will display Vision decals for identification. For the safety and privacy of the data collectors, their identities will not be made public.

Vision data collectors will respect all No Trespassing signs and dog warnings signs. Data collectors will not open closed gates without the property owner’s permission. Parcels that fall into these categories will be reviewed and measured from aerial imagery.

When Vision data collectors begin visiting various areas and properties in Prince George County, area newspapers, local officials, and law enforcement officials will be notified.

For commercial and industrial buildings, data collectors will also ask what rents are being paid, if applicable.

Vision needs this information to develop overall typical rent patterns for income-producing properties, and it will be used when valuing commercial and industrial properties by the Income Approach. All rental information is kept confidential and is not made part of the public record.

How can I be sure the data on record for my property is accurate?

Vision will mail a data survey to all residential property owners to gather information about property characteristics. Property owners can make corrections on the form and return it to Vision. Members of the Vision team will review the returned form and either make the changes, call the property owner for clarification, or make an appointment for inspection.

Vision will mail new value notices to property owners. Vision will provide a website link for property owners to access the Property Online Database. Property owners can verify their data and compare their property’s value to other similar homes.

When will I receive my new assessment?

Vision will mail preliminary value notices to property owners in mid-February of 2025. The notice will include both prior and new assessed values. Property owners will receive instructions on how to make an appointment for an informal review with the Vision appraisal team. Property owners who attend an informal review will receive a second assessment value notice detailing whether a change was made as a result of the informal review. Instructions for further appeal will be provided.

If my assessed value goes up, won’t my taxes go up, too?

Market trends indicate residential home prices have increased significantly across the country in recent years. Home price increases do not mean your taxes will increase. With an increase to the land book value overall, the Prince George County Board of Supervisors can reduce or equalize the tax rate, lessening any required tax increase.

The real property tax rate is typically approved in the late spring of every year. Your tax bill is based on the tax rate determination.

Myth: A county-wide reassessment means my taxes will increase.

General reassessments are not designed to be a county-wide tax change. This process is intended to fairly and equitably distribute the real estate tax burden among property owners in proportion to the fair market value of their real estate. The Code of Virginia ensures that a general reassessment cannot be the cause of an increase in taxes. Once the reassessment is complete, the code requires that the tax rate be implemented by the Board of Supervisors. It is the responsibility of the Board of Supervisors to determine the budgetary needs of Prince George County and adjust the tax rate to effectively meet those needs.

Project Timeline

Prince George County

Apr 2024 – Prince George County Board of Supervisors approves to contract with Vision Government Solutions, Inc. to perform the FY 2026 reassessment.

Parcel Analysis & Permit/Sales Data Collection

June 2024 – Jan 2025 – Vision Government Solutions, Inc. will conduct parcel analysis & permit/sales data collection.

Send Data Mailers & Income and Expense Mailers

Sept 2024 – Dec 2024 – Residential property owners are mailed a data verification report. Property owners review the data, make corrections if necessary and return to Vision Government Solutions.

Land Study and Building Market Study

Aug 2024 – Jan 2025 – Vision will analyze land values and evaluate market trends in building sales to ensure accurate property valuations for the FY 2026 reassessment.

Desktop Review

Sept 2024 – Jan 2025 – Vision will conduct a comprehensive evaluation of property data and imagery to verify accuracy and identify discrepancies without the need for on-site inspections.

Commercial Study of Market Rents, Expenses & Capitalization Factors

Nov 2024 – Jan 2025 – Vision will analyze current market rental rates, operating expenses, and capitalization rates to accurately assess the value of commercial properties.

Deliver Residential & Commercial Preliminary Values to the Real Estate Assessor's office

Jan 2025 – Vision will provide preliminary values to the Real Estate Assessor’s office for review.

Real Estate Assessor's Office Review of Values

Feb 2025 – Real Estate Assessor’s office will review preliminary values of residential & commericial properties.

Informal Hearings and Assessment Change Notices for Informal Hearings Mailed Out

Feb 2025 – Mar 2025

Preliminary Assessment notices mailed

Feb  2025 – Property owners will receive preliminary assessment notices.

Finalization, Completion of FY 2026 Reassessment

Mar 2025

Project Completion

Mar 2025


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Vision?

A: Vision Government Solutions, Inc. is a company that specializes in services and software designed to assist jurisdictions with assessing, billing, and supporting zoning and building departments. We are typically hired by counties, municipalities, and jurisdictions to help them fulfill the state requirement to reassess all real property so that the assessments reflect current market value as of a certain date. Our work is regulated by the Code of Virginia, which dictates when and how we reassess properties. We have provided appraisal services and Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal Software (CAMA) to assessing departments throughout the United States since 1975. During this time, we have successfully completed over one thousand reassessment projects in the Northeastern United States. We bring a significant amount of professional expertise to a project, with a staff of state certified professionals who have significant industry experience. Our Senior Appraisers average over 20 years of appraisal experience.

Why is a reassessment needed?

Constantly changing economic conditions can cause inequities to develop.  The solution is to reappraise all real estate, bringing assessment records up to date with present day values.

What is fair market value?

Market value is the most probable price a property should bring in a competitive and open market under all conditions requisite to a fair sale, the buyer and seller each acting prudently and knowledgeably, and assuming the price is not affected by undue stimulus.

Code of Virginia Section 2.2-419 states “’Fair market value’ means the price that a good or service would bring between a willing seller and a willing buyer in the open market after negotiations. If the fair market value cannot be determined, the actual price paid for the good or service shall be given consideration.”

How is the market value of a property determined?

People make the market, not the assessor. During a reassessment, it is the assessor’s office’s job to research and discover values through analysis of current sales data.

A single property sale, however, does not solely determine property value. All valid sales in a given neighborhood are used as guidelines. In effect, a revaluation does the same thing a prospective buyer would do when examining all the features of a property before applying values.

Other factors considered are: local market conditions, size and quality of construction, age of building, improvements to or deterioration of neighborhoods, and zoning.

Isn’t fair market value what I paid for my property?

Not always. Some people pay more than fair market value for their property. Others may have bought their property at a bargain price, and others may have purchased the property years ago when prices and values were considerably different. The true test of your property value is its worth on the effective date of reassessment in comparison to similar properties.

Can my share of the tax burden go down?

If market values in your area have not risen as much as in other areas, or, if your property is currently overvalued when compared with like properties, your share of the tax burden could be reduced as a result of a reassessment.

When will the FY 2026 assessments be effective?

The FY 2026 assessments will be effective January 1, 2025.

The FY 2026 Land Book will be generated after July 1, 2025.

The Land Book is the culmination of the reassessment process.  This listing includes each parcel of real estate with the owner’s name, legal description, amount of the assessment, and the taxes levied. The valuation date of the land book is January 1 each year. The January 1 values are effective for billing from the following July 1 through June 30 of the following calendar year.

The effective date of the Land Book is July 1 each year.

What is the purpose of the reassessment notice?

The primary purpose of a reassessment notice is to give you an opportunity to review your new assessed value. In an informal office review, you can ask questions about values that will be reviewed and explained. Adjustments, corrections, and concerns will be noted.

Remember, a reassessment establishes and addresses value, not taxes. Reassessments are important because tax revenue is based on the assessed value of all properties.

The formula is Assessment/100 x Tax Rate = Taxes.

How are tax rates established?

The Prince George County Board of Supervisors establishes tax rates in the spring of each year when they adopt the annual budget.

Who sets my FY 2026 reassessment?

Vision calculates the assessed value of your real property.

What can I do if I think my assessment is wrong?

If you believe that your assessment is wrong, you will have the opportunity for a meeting during the informal hearing process where you will speak with a representative from Vision and review your assessment. This is the proper procedure to correct any errors or miscalculations. Vision will make necessary adjustments if you can demonstrate an error which significantly affects your property value.

If there is a significant difference between the data on your property records and the actual state of your property, Vision will schedule an inspection and review of your property. Where the property owner presents factual evidence, an adjustment may be made without additional inspection and review.

Are there any disadvantages to appealing my assessment?

No. In fact, property owners are encouraged to review their assessments and contact Vision if they question the value. Vision will see that each taxpayer is satisfied, within the limits set by the Code of Virginia, and assure that assessments are made on a fair and equitable basis. In a majority of cases when the taxpayer is correct, an adjustment is made. However, it is essential to remember that Vision has a duty to all taxpayers in Prince George County to be fair and equitable and work within the Code of Virginia.

Additional reassessment information on Vision Government Solutions website

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