NRAAO / NHAAO 2021 Conference
Zoom Intermission Pages
Sunday, May 23rd
Zoom Intermission Pages
Monday, May 24th
Zoom Intermission Pages
Tuesday, May 25th
Zoom Intermission Pages
Wednesday, May 26th
Zoom Intermission Pages

We'll be getting started in...
Sunday, May 23rd
Welcome to the conference!
Hosted by:
Board of Directors Meeting
Start Time = 2:00 PM

Monday, May 24th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
9:00 AM – NOON
Opening Breakfast and Awards Meeting

Monday, May 24th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Development of Capitalization Rates Part 1 of 2
Brad Eldridge of Team Consulting
When using the income approach to estimate the value of real estate one of the components that will need to be determined by the assessor/appraiser is the capitalization rate. This workshop will explore the difference between capitalization rates used in direct capitalization and a yield rate used in yield capitalization.
We will discuss the difference between an overall capitalization rate, a land capitalization rate and a building capitalization rate along with some other common terms used in capitalization rates discussion such as unloaded versus loaded capitalization rates, terminal capitalization rates.

Monday, May 24th
Welcome to the conference!
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Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 2 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Taxes, Land Use and Value in 15 NH Communities
Joe Minicozzi of Urban3
This session explains the problems with urban sprawl and its effect on municipal services, thus the tax rate. It helps the assessor understand the implications of Urban sprawl and brings them to the table as a valuable contributor in planning decisions. The study was conducted in NH, but its learnings are applicable to virtually any state in the northeast region.

Monday, May 24th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Development of Capitalization Rates Part 2 of 2
Brad Eldridge of Team Consulting
When using the income approach to estimate the value of real estate one of the components that will need to be determined by the assessor/appraiser is the capitalization rate. This workshop will explore the difference between capitalization rates used in direct capitalization and a yield rate used in yield capitalization.
We will discuss the difference between an overall capitalization rate, a land capitalization rate and a building capitalization rate along with some other common terms used in capitalization rates discussion such as unloaded versus loaded capitalization rates, terminal capitalization rates.

Monday, May 24th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 2 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Leading with Emotional Intelligence
Amy Wood, PsyD
*LIVE* A high IQ doesn’t necessarily translate into success as an assessor. A more accurate predictor of achievement in the field is emotional intelligence, or EQ – the capacity to understand one’s self and others and apply that understanding effectively to accomplish important goals.
This workshop covers the components of emotional intelligence, why it’s essential, ways to increase it, and how to leverage it to gain influence with colleagues, supervisors, tax payers, government agents, attorneys, and everyone else you encounter at work. You’ll leave with a customized action plan for elevating your EQ and getting the results you want professionally – and personally too.
As a result of attending, you will be able to:
• Uncover personal blind spots and identify strengths so that you can lead with greater self-awareness
• Regulate your feelings with improved agility in the face of stress, opposition, and defensiveness
• Engage, inspire, and communicate with others more effectively to gain cooperation and collaboration
• Manage challenging personalities and emotionally charged situations with enhanced dexterity
• Apply strategies for increasing your daily motivation and focus and help others do the same
• Enjoy the considerable benefits of improved relationship skills.

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 1 | 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Mass Appraisal Analysis & Benchmarks Part 1 of 2
Brad Eldridge of Team Consulting
This workshop is designed to help refresh the mass appraisal techniques used in the valuation process and also to help establish some processes and procedures for unusual or more challenging events. Topics discussed include: USPAP, Scope of Work, Mass Appraisal, Market Value, Highest and Best Use Analysis, Neighborhood Analysis, Benchmarks, Sales Validation, Sales Ratio Analysis, Sales Chasing and Trending.

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 2 | 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Journey to Assessment Excellence Part 1 of 4
Created by David Cornell, MAI, CAE & Dr. Scott Young
*LIVE* Using the Assessor’s Maturity Curve as a Guide, A One-Day Participant-Driven Workshop
• Improve your office’s climate and culture
• Gain key insights and practical strategies for creating healthy teams
• Learn how to maximize your office’s capacity and effectiveness

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 10:30 – NOON
Mass Appraisal Analysis & Benchmarks Part 2 of 2
Brad Eldridge of Team Consulting
This workshop is designed to help refresh the mass appraisal techniques used in the valuation process and also to help establish some processes and procedures for unusual or more challenging events. Topics discussed include: USPAP, Scope of Work, Mass Appraisal, Market Value, Highest and Best Use Analysis, Neighborhood Analysis, Benchmarks, Sales Validation, Sales Ratio Analysis, Sales Chasing and Trending.

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 2 | 10:30 – NOON
Journey to Assessment Excellence Part 2 of 4
Created by David Cornell, MAI, CAE & Dr. Scott Young
*LIVE* Using the Assessor’s Maturity Curve as a Guide, A One-Day Participant-Driven Workshop
• Improve your office’s climate and culture
• Gain key insights and practical strategies for creating healthy teams
• Learn how to maximize your office’s capacity and effectiveness

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
A Year in the Life of a Personal Property Appraiser
Written and Presented by Lisa A. Hobart, CAE, PPS, FIAAO, ASA
*LIVE* This 90-minute presentation begins with defining Personal Property and the distinction between Personal Property and Real Property. The next section will include the discovery of Personal Property and evaluating claims of exemption. After all discovery is completed, the discussion will include types of “cost” contained in accounting records, and how to validate a Personal Property rendition submitted on behalf of a property owner. Specifically, what to do when there are changing costs from one year to another on a rendition.
Discussion will also include how to estimate reasonable and just assessments when a property owner does not submit a Personal property rendition, and informal methods of auditing. The final portion of the presentation will be an open question/discussion period where all participants will be encouraged to participate.

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 2 | 1:00 – 2:30 PM
Journey to Assessment Excellence Part 3 of 4
Created by David Cornell, MAI, CAE & Dr. Scott Young
*LIVE* Using the Assessor’s Maturity Curve as a Guide, A One-Day Participant-Driven Workshop
• Improve your office’s climate and culture
• Gain key insights and practical strategies for creating healthy teams
• Learn how to maximize your office’s capacity and effectiveness

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Recognizing Obsolescence in Tangible Personal Property
Written and Presented by Lisa A. Hobart, CAE, PPS, FIAAO, ASA
**LIVE* This 90-minute presentation begins with identifying the categories of personal property, and the distinction of the definition of Fixed Assets. The presentation will include the conversion of historical costs into the development of Replacement Cost New and the loss in value (depreciation) typically included in standardize Computer Assisted Mass Appraisal (CAMA) systems.
Further, discussion will include abnormal loss in value (that which is not recognized in CAMA), and examples of measuring such loss in value. As a contemporary topic, the presentation will discuss the effects of COVID on value, if any, and managing claims of loss in value due to the pandemic. The final portion of the presentation will be an open question/discussion period where all participants will be encouraged to participate.

Tuesday, May 25th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 2 | 3:00 – 4:30 PM
Journey to Assessment Excellence Part 4 of 4
Created by David Cornell, MAI, CAE & Dr. Scott Young
*LIVE* Using the Assessor’s Maturity Curve as a Guide, A One-Day Participant-Driven Workshop
• Improve your office’s climate and culture
• Gain key insights and practical strategies for creating healthy teams
• Learn how to maximize your office’s capacity and effectiveness

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 1 | 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Hotel Appraisal Part 1 of 2
Barry Cunningham, MAI, PHD
*LIVE* This 3-hour course addresses how one would value the impact of COVID on hotel valuations in the context of a tax appeal. It begins by examining standard appraisal methods for hotel valuation and then turns to quantifying the impact of COVID. Along the way, it also explores the various arguments that may appear in the process. Participants will get an excel file for modeling and rent loss deductions to take away from the course. he objective of this 3-hour course is to examine how to value hotels impacted by COVID. This includes:
• A Primer on Hotel Valuation
o Uniform System of Accounts
o Standard Metrics for Income Modeling
o Going-concern Considerations
• Rent Loss Analysis
o Temporary vs. Perpetuity
o Real or Paper Costs?
o The Mechanics

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 2 | 8:30 – 10:00 AM
NH DRA Mosaic Parcel Project
Pat Santoso and James Gerry
*LIVE* Learn how New Hampshire’s Department of Revenue Administration teamed up with Axiomatic to create a statewide parcel mosaic with contributions from the towns and municipalities.

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 1 | 10:30 – NOON
Hotel Appraisal Part 2 of 2
Barry Cunningham, MAI, PHD
*LIVE* This 3-hour course addresses how one would value the impact of COVID on hotel valuations in the context of a tax appeal. It begins by examining standard appraisal methods for hotel valuation and then turns to quantifying the impact of COVID. Along the way, it also explores the various arguments that may appear in the process. Participants will get an excel file for modeling and rent loss deductions to take away from the course. he objective of this 3-hour course is to examine how to value hotels impacted by COVID. This includes:
• A Primer on Hotel Valuation
o Uniform System of Accounts
o Standard Metrics for Income Modeling
o Going-concern Considerations
• Rent Loss Analysis
o Temporary vs. Perpetuity
o Real or Paper Costs?
o The Mechanics

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 2 | 10:30 – NOON
Defending a Commercial Assessment Using the 3 Approaches
Ed Martinez, Jim Siebers and Steve Miner
This pre-recorded IAAO webinar will tell you how to properly collect the data required for each approach to value and where to find it; how to properly apply the three approaches to value; and how the information from the three approaches to value can be used to defend an assessment.

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 1 | 1:00 – 2:30PM
Power BI 101- An Awesome Tool in Understanding Your Assessing Data
David Cornell of Cornell Consultants, LLC
*LIVE* Unlock insights from your assessing data you never know existed! Power BI is a game changer in truly unlocking and understanding your assessing data! Power BI allows you connect to multiple data sources, transform data, and visualize the data to gain actionable insights. This session gives an overview of Power BI and will include live demonstrations including:
• Creating a Power BI dashboard
• Creating self-service assessing analytics for your office
• Creating ratios, including CODs, by property type, neighborhood, and year built
• Creating interactive Power BI maps with slicers and outlier identification
• Creating interactive Power BI reports using Microsoft’s artificial intelligence
• Creating sharable Power BI dashboards

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 2 | 1:00 – 2:30PM
Ethics in Assessing
Hilary Holmes Rheaume, Attorney, Bernstein Shur
N. Joel Moser, Attorney, M.G.A, Bernstein Shur
This session will provide an overview of the ethical requirements for Assessors and a discussion on the ethical dilemmas that Assessors might encounter in the field. The session will start with a brief overview of the sources of the ethical requirements that apply to Assessors, including constitutional and statutory authorities as well as the Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice (USPAP).
The presenters will also provide a more in-depth overview of the ethical conundrums that Assessors might encounter in the field, such as conflicts of interest, bias, and New Hampshire’s Right-toKnow law. The session will conclude with a variety of scenarios that will allow participants to further discuss and engage with the ethical rules guiding the profession.

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Track 1 | 3:00 – 4:30PM
Impact of Covid-19 on the Real Estate Market
Dan Scanlon, JD, CCIM of Colliers International
In this session, an experienced commercial real estate broker will share observations and discuss how the economic shutdown changed the way investors look at real estate and how that is impacting real estate values. He will cover various segments of the market such as retail, office, industrial and apartments.

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by:
Introduced by
Track 2 | 3:00 – 4:30PM
Building a Land Curve
Jason Frost, CAE
Have you ever wondered how to adjust for size in land valuation in your CAMA? This hands-on session will take you through the basics of building a land curve for use in your CAMA system. The session will cover the theories behind the land curve, practical application of a curve using Excel, what to do when you lack recent land sales in a market area, and how to validate your CAMA adjustments for land size.
After the session the participants will be able to:
• Understand the basic economic principles behind the land curve
• Understand why a land curve may be useful
• Understand the basic steps to setting up a land curve using Excel
• Understand the conversion of the mathematical curve formula into a table of size adjustments
• Understand how to use abstraction or allocation instead of the sales comparison approach to land value
• Understand how to validate your existing CAMA tables for size adjustments

Wednesday, May 26th
Welcome to the conference!
We'll be getting started in...
Hosted by: